Goodness! My uploading finally completed , my comp has been running so slow and my father is gonna change my internet speed to a even slower rate soon… -RAWR!!-
This artbook cost $64 at my local Kinokuniya after direct importing from japan that’s why i choose to download it instead >.<

It’s kinda a clash that when i was downloading my artbook , Night acturally posted a “Pixiv Girls Collection Artbook” halfway throught my download,
At first i thought  it was having the same artbook so i cancelled my download,  i asked her for the version but she didnt give a reply i still didnt there to upload , but later on, noticed its a different artbook ,so i re-downloaded it and uploaded on mediafire for convenient downloading.

Download Link[151 Pages] :

Little Preview:

About Arishige Aiko

Female ,17 , Singaporean , Cosplayer , Otaku , Beginner Artist

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